The aim of the survey was to assess the implementation of all mobilities and collect information on the degree of satisfaction of the participants as well as to assess the effects of participation in the mobility. The study covered students, their parents and teachers involved in the project. The surveys were anonymous. The research was carried out after the completed mobilities. Teachers and parents were asked to fill in online questionnaires whereas in some partner schools students completed questionnaires in traditional paper form. All forms and internal evaluations were delivered to coordinating school which used them to develop this overall evaluation. In the first question, the respondents marked the mobility in which they participated. The following mobilities took place as part of the project: Poland, Turkey, Portugal, Greece, Spain and Italy.
Summary of Teacher Surveys
To the question “Do you think that the mobility had a positive impact on the students who participated in it?” all teachers surveyed answered: definitely yes.
All surveyed teachers stated that mobility had definitely improved their professional qualifications.
To the question: “Has mobility enabled you to get acquainted with innovative teaching methods and modern work tools?” 70% of the teachers answered “definitely yes” and 30% “rather yes”.
All surveyed teachers believe that mobility motivated them to develop new skills and competences, and the contacts they made during mobility influenced their professional work.
According to the teachers surveyed, participation in mobility “definitely” (80%) and “rather yes “ (20%) increased the freedom to communicate in a foreign language.
All surveyed teachers stated that participation in the mobility definitely broadened their knowledge about the history and culture of the partner countries and developed cultural competences.
To the question: “How do you plan to use the experience gained during the mobility?”
a) 70% of respondents answered through class scenario,
b) sharing photos, multimedia presentations was indicated by 80% of respondents,
c) reports from trips made were marked by 60% of respondents,
d) continuing/encouraging learning English was indicated by 80% of the respondents,
e) conducting open lessons was indicated by 90% of the respondents,
f) sharing knowledge on the website was indicated by 40% of respondents,
g) creating joint projects, international exchange was indicated by 60% of the respondents,
h) workshops were marked by 30% of the respondents.
All respondents believe that thanks to foreign cooperation of schools, the rank of the organization will increase and it will have a positive impact on the promotion of the school.
75% of the surveyed teachers are interested in active participation in the next project, and 25% marked the answer – “I don't know”.
The next questions concerned the organization of mobility.
According to the respondents, the duration of the mobility was appropriate.
All respondents received organizational and logistical support before departure.
The areas that should be improved are: the flow of information (2 answers), pre-departure meetings (5 answers) and it was indicated that it is better when students live in families, because then it brings more benefits to children
Summary of Parent Surveys
To the question: “How did you find out about the possibilities of the Erasmus+ programme?” 76% of parents indicated the answer - From school announcements, 24% answered that the older child had already taken part in the program. One parent wrote that he had obtained the information from a teacher.
76% of the children of the surveyed parents participated in the Erasmus+ project once, 24% twice.
65% of the children of the parents surveyed took part in Erasmus+ mobilities once, 30% twice, and 5% three times.
All parents surveyed definitely like the idea of ​​international cooperation of their child’s school
To the question: “What do you consider to be the greatest benefits of your child's participation in the Erasmus+ programme?”
a) Getting to know another culture - 70% of respondents
b) Improving foreign languages ​​- 100% of respondents
c) Shaping attitudes of openness and tolerance - 70% of respondents
d) Acquiring knowledge and skills in an interesting way - 70% of respondents
e) Ability to travel - 64% of respondents
f) Increasing students' activity in other fields - 7% of respondents
50% of the surveyed parents indicated that information about the project is properly disseminated “definitely yes” (at meetings with parents, on the school website, through the Librus journal), 40% of the respondents indicated that “rather yes” . While 10% ticked “ rather not”.
80% of the parents surveyed considered that from their perspective the length of the mobility period was appropriate, 20% believed that it was too short.
All parents surveyed indicated that they had received appropriate information and support before their child left.
According to the surveyed parents, their child returned satisfied with the trip.
The areas that parents indicated that in their opinion should be improved are:
a) information flow - 20%
b) choice of means of transport - 10%
c) accommodation - 12%
d) pre-departure meetings - 30%
e) other - meals - 7%
According to the surveyed parents, participation in the mobility allowed them to learn about the culture and history of the country to which the trip took place and influenced the development of intercultural competences.
Summary of student surveys
Mobility was an interesting topic for all the surveyed students.
All students were involved in project activities.
Participation in project projects was an interesting experience for the surveyed students.
Mobility helped the students to broaden their knowledge of the partner countries.
According to the surveyed students, participation in mobility contributed to the development of their language skills.
The atmosphere during the mobility was friendly, and the meetings within the projects integrated students from the partner countries.
To the question: “Have you participated in the activities related to the project (e.g. tree day, teddy bear day, dance production for Vivaldi's Four Seasons, creating an ecological board game, etc.)? In which? Pupils mentioned: a lapbook about their favorite book, creating a raft, water day, waste segregation, a leaflet about the dangers of the web, a day without plastic packaging, winter in art, creating a board game, making candles and others.
90% of respondents feel motivated to continue working in the Erasmus+ project in the future, the remaining 10% indicated that they would rather not.
The surveyed students would recommend participation in the Erasmus program to others.
For all involved participants, teachers and parents this project was a period of valuable experience.
Mobilities reached their aims and brought all participants a lot of benefits and satisfaction.
There is a big chance that all surveyed people will get involved in similar activities and actions in the future.
The teachers’ staff will take into account the areas which where mentioned as worth upgrading.