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Project Reference: 2020-1-PL01-KA229-081749

Grant: 197.040,00 EUR
Programme: Erasmus+ Key Action: KA2
Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Start: 1.10.2020- End: 31.08. 2023
Action Type: School Exchange Partnerships
We want to help to 7-12 year old students in Europe , adapt to dynamic civilization and social changes taking place in the modern world.
This will be favored by local ACTIONS which will cover various areas of students' interests and topics expanding the core school curriculum and include:
- gaining new experience and skills involving mind and hands by the participants
- realizing the purpose of learning and the value / usefulness of what is being studied
- basing on participants' potential, commitment and independence
- accurate selection of the content of tasks, methods, forms of work as well as techno-didactic means and materials
- helping project participants to develop according to their individual capabilities
- preparing them to function in society, to use national heritage and cultural goods
- equipping with useful skills and general knowledge
The methodology of activities will include a number of activating and problem methods that develop the ability to think critically.
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