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“Europe's natural and cultural heritage”, C5- LTTA Mobility in Spain, Cordoba, 6-10 March 2023, aimed to achieve several types of goals. One of them was both for teachers and students getting acquainted with reach experience of hosting school in innovative bilingual education, based on modern methods and means. 

Students had the opportunity to practice knowledge of English in a real context in everyday situations at school and during two afternoons also in the Spanish families. A lot of interesting activities developing language skills were conducted including ice-breaking and team – building activities, school presentations, evaluating games, creative poetry workshop (poems about Cordoba in English) and preparing posts to common mobility e-book. They also had fun playing with Bilingual gymkhana. Physical and outdoor activities as well as healthy eating habits were also an important part of mobility’s agenda. Students participated in sport competitions, a bowling contest. They could taste healthy breakfast from local products, lunches at school cafeteria and local traditional dishes at the time of closing project ceremony. Following the expert’s remark that our timetable for this mobility looked too touristic we gave up the idea to sightsee Sevilla and change it to educational visit to La Moheda. It was a day of outdoor activities. Participants could spend time actively in the places surrounded by a beautiful view of the mountains and wild meadows. They could develop their creativity, art talents and various useful skills taking part in outdoors games, workshops and tasks in an atmosphere of friendship and fun. During the project workshops and group tasks participants could observe the laws that govern the nature and notice how science and technology influence the natural world.
The activities of this mobility provided the opportunity to learn and express conclusions about the different spheres of life and pointing the ways of reasoning that led to these conclusions. Participants gained basic knowledge about Spain, its cultural heritage, art and traditions. Thanks to the  workshop on searching for characteristic architecture and features of the city Cordoba-they can now recognize the monuments of Andalusia and the historical heritage of the city - mosque and Madinat-Al-Zahra and Alcazar. They also learnt about local legends and had workshops on movement expression- they learnt flamenco- history, palos, music and clothes. Another musical workshop " Fill bottle with music" showed students that music can be performed by the instruments made by themselves of waste objects Host school shared with the partners its rich experience, successes and results gained as the eco-school (e.g school garden, ecological decorations, displays, the way of saving energy etc).

All project participants took part in the meeting with the City Council in Alcazar (Culture Deputy Mayor). The mobility was summerised, evaluated and the certificates were handed in to its participants. Actions were planned for the last stage of the project. Participants gained knowledge and developed competences, skills and attitudes accompanying exploring the world. Throughout the activities they could identify the available opportunities and the ways of overcoming obstacles in order to be successful at learning.
They enriched their vocabulary, lexical expressions and grammar in English and got interested in Spanish. They learnt the new means of communication and ICT tools used to create presentations, films or ebooks.
All participants:
• developed individual skills
•actively work in international teams
• developed a positive attitude, motivation to effort and self-confidence
• developed ability to think critically
• were encouraged to show personal initiative.
• gained knowledge about Spain, Andalusia, about human rights and democratic
• learned to appreciate the natural and cultural heritage of Europe and Spain
• observed that it is important to understand, appreciate and enjoy the different
cultural and linguistic expressions in the EU
• learnt about past ways of life
• used ICT to obtain information
Participants' competences were improve in terms of:
-the ability to use basic tools and materials in everyday life situations;
-compliance with the basic rules of hygiene and safety;
-communication in English, vocabulary, the ability to ask questions and collect
-knowledge of genres of children's literature (legends)
- the ability to perform very simple measurements, observations and
experiments regarding objects, phenomena and processes in nature and
- respect for the natural environment.
-knowledge of very simple descriptions of the surrounding material world and
selected phenomena and processes in nature and technology
- accepting of different origins and cultures, developing a positive approach to
diversity multilingual and multicultural.

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